Thursday 21 February 2008

stoopid cold

why do the weekends fly by ? grrrrr
Sunday evening i started to get the dreaded feeling of a sore throat. By Monday morning felt like crap, so walked the boy, then jumped back into my cuddly dressing gown determined to call in sick today. 7.30 - Craggle calls to ring in sick ! AAarrghhhhhh. got dressed and went to work !
Rubbish day, couldn't wait to get home. Slept on the settee so Kev could get some shut eye (cos he gets up at 5). Rang in sick - whooohoo. Cuddled up on the settee with Jack for most of the day, streaming nose, barbed wire in the throat, blocked sinuses - stoopid stoopid cold.

Back to work on Wednesday - still feel like crap, but hey ho.
Dog picture books arrived - soooooooooo sweet, really really chuffed with them.
Fridge magnets arrived - soooooo sweet !!

Sitting in on some client training today, should be interesting, cos its the first working model of our new software venture, so gonna pay attention - honest !!!

And for some reason I 've signed myself up to give blood tomorrow ! Eeeekkkk, papping myself.
Not good with needles, so have always skirted round the issue of my conscience - but no more. Tomorrow is D-Day (or should that be B-Day (blood day !!)).
Either way, Craggle is gonna hold my hand and hopefully all will be ok.

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